I'm known for offering clear and loving space, evoking relief and the experience of acceptance.
I am a Knower, a claircognizant. I work in direct connection with Source. In perfect love and perfect trust, I consciously invite and allow upgrades to the operating system in my fully ascended and awakened self, to embody the original light and original flow, in service. I am a Weaver. I integrate different methods for healing and moving light, weaving them in and out of my practice as needed, not getting locked into any one way or the idea that any one thing is better than any other thing. There are practices that resonate for me, and different practices that resonate for other people, that will get us to the same place in terms of seeing beyond the veil of the illusion. Since my clients come to me in human form, and that's how they see me, I like to work in the human realm as well as in other dimensions. The first and ongoing experience people have with me is Darshan, "divine sight." It is a reciprocal experience of seeing and being seen by the divine. You can read more about Darshan here. I settle and expand into my awareness of Source within, and this experience of the divine radiates love, permeating the veil of illusion. So there's the visual experience of human me, Aowyn, as a person loving; but there is something much more vast at work, a compassionate ultimate holding of Truth, which is that you are loved, you are held, you are and have always been perfect and whole. It is a deep spiritual experience of connecting with the sacred. This is the foundation and ultimate resource for our work together. Everything else we do together is woven into and with Darshan. What is Darshan? Darshan means "divine sight." It is a reciprocal experience, a moment of seeing and being seen by the Divine. Darshan is an outpouring of unconditional love. The blessing is an opportunity to gain spiritual advancement and fulfilment. Most often, it brings the experience of being truly seen, without judgment, with complete acceptance and love. It can bring the experience of existential relief. Externally, it might not seem like much; just us looking at each other. Inside, I'm seeing the truth of who you are, which is divine light. Perfect and whole. The process helps clear away what covers it, so you can better experience your Truth, and reflect more divine light into the world. You might not feel anything, or the experience might be overwhelming. You might feel love melting through your being, you might feel giddy, you might feel grief for the parts of you who thought you were anything less than perfect. Whatever your experience, I will see and reflect your divine light. The invitation is simply to be in the experience. This is the foundation for our work, and the mindset I hold: you don't need fixing. There is nothing to fix. You are now and have always been whole. You have everything you need inside you - and wherever you are in your journey, there is much more for you to realize and engage as a human and a dimensional being. This is the starting place for your empowerment, self-realization and conscious creation. Darshan is a transformational power that supports personal growth. I've always been naturally devoted to and reverent of the healing process, and excited about consciousness and the spiritual realm. I'm fascinated by the human experience and I truly love being in this human body. I love sitting with people, being an awareness of Source, feeling the human experience, and connecting in all these places. I live and serve with mindfulness, lovingness, gratitude, delight and a sense of humor. I practice clear, compassionate communication in my personal life and in my work. I’m always exploring the various dimensions of my own experience and honing my self mastery. My husband Peter, Tui (the Chihuahua Terrier we adore) and I travel to different watery locations from our home base in Bend, Oregon. Since age matters to some people when they look for a practitioner, I will tell you that I'll be 51 in 2024. |
PurposeMy mission is to help you to heal what wants and needs healing in your heart, mind, body and soul, so that you can know and integrate your truth, living life aligned, with gratitude, integrity, joy, peace and purpose. I stand with you.