Some people navigate their lives using analysis, making choices and decisions from the thinking mind alone. I'm definitely not one of those people, but I can get caught up in thoughts and analysis - and when I do, I become overwhelmed and temporarily forget that there's a much better way for me, an infinitely trustworthy navigational system deep within that can guide everything - creative projects, relating to others, physical body issues, business decisions... everything. Is this you, too? If so, then let this be a loving reminder, Friend:
Your navigational system is sourced from way beyond your thinking mind. It isn't analysis, it isn't something you can learn in a book. You might call it Love, wisdom or intuition. It is your Truth. It wants to be known, and for that it asks only that you slow down and listen. What would it be like, even right now in this moment, to make space for your knowing? What if you just soften your belly - let it hang out. Let your shoulders fall away from your ears. Make some space at the back of the jaw. Nice deep breath. Slow everything down. Feel that spaciousness - even the little bit you allowed just now? This is the starting place for accessing your knowing. You can call up your knowing about anything in your stillness, with an intention to know what is true for you. Deep in the silence is where your knowing lives. It is where your guidance can be found. Allow the guidance to be known. You might write whatever comes to you. Let it flow. Don't try to make it perfect. Ask clarifying questions of your knowing - let it be a dialogue. Intend to go deeper and to clearly receive what's there. It can be helpful to speak your knowing to someone who sees you without judgement, with acceptance, where space will be made for your knowing to unfold. When you write or speak your knowing, you give it life. Moving through life from this organic place releases you from stuckness and allows movement. It can soften you out of overwhelm. It's a river of peace, this knowing. From here you can take action, knowing you are in meaningful alignment with your purpose (yes, your life purpose). Here there is joy... ... even when the action you take based on your knowing is an ending... because, you know, every ending is also a beginning. Your Truth wants to be known by you. This life is your creation. When you create from a place of knowing... well... that's when your creation becomes what you want it to be. Your creation comes alive with meaning. Listen. What do you know, deep in your bones? Listen. You're worth it. I am shining infinite blessings of light into your beautiful heart. Love, Aowyn
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January 2025