Thank you for every spacious breath you gift yourself while you see what is here. Thank you for seeing how you participate in the creation of your personal reality and our shared reality - within yourself, in your relationships, throughout this country and around the world. Thank you for forgiving yourself when you look inside and see fear, violence or hatred directed toward yourself or others. It's ok; this fear is not who you are, it's only something you inherited or learned along the way. You have the ability to heal completely and realize true freedom; you were born for it. Every part of you is perfectly designed. And since you are a microcosm of the macrocosm - and everything affects everything - I thank you for firing up your conscious participation in the complex, fascinating, miraculous creation of you and all things.
May compassion wash through every part of your being, inspiring complete healing, until you remember who you are and stand solidly in your own perfect light - free from the shackles of us-against-them, me-against-them, me-against-myself - and may that light become your one and only creative tool. May you exist peacefully, with gratitude, in the never-ending flow of pure love that you are. May love guide you in all things, for the rest of your life and every life you live. May you speak love into being. Bless you across all space and time. Thank you for being and for doing what you came here to do. You are so powerful, Friend. Your power is worthy of your tending. Worthy of reverence. I love you. Aowyn
Thank you for helping to anchor love on this planet. At a time when so many, with so many differing opinions and needs, are standing against others, I thank you for standing for the light and for making that a priority. Your efforts are essential to the awakening of humanity. Thank you for your diligence. Your work to maintain a high vibration, your radiant heart, your prayers for peace, love and known oneness - in collaboration with millions of others who are doing the same - is bringing unity consciousness to balance the polarities at a time when the scales are heavy with the weight of perceived and created separation. Your work as a lightkeeper is necessary. Many people do not yet understand this, and that's ok. You are working on a different level (not higher or lower, better or worse, but different), and it is exactly what you were born into this body at this time to do. Your skills as an anchor of light are required. So thank you for going full force at this time, Friend.
Thank you for Being. Love, Aowyn Art by Cameron Gray |
January 2025