It's amazing, what can happen if we just tune in to Source (Higher Self, High Council, Spirit, Truth) and begin to name what we want. Ways of being are shed. New ways are revealed and embodied. Relationships are released, relationships shift, new ones appear. We let go of relying on input that truly doesn't serve us, and begin to tune ourselves to what does. When we slow down and connect with presence, prayers and gratitude, we balance and align, internally and externally, and we create the movement we long for.
You're not just your inner world and what you speak and do, you know. You are influenced by what you surround yourself with, what you listen to, what you see, what you read, who you're with. It affects and changes you. And you have a choice in this matter. What are you choosing to allow into your being, to shift and change you? Is it filled with light? Does it inspire you, make you curious, remind you that truly, everything is ok? In times like these, it's good to notice the behavior of your own nervous system and be kind to yourself in terms of what and how much you're taking in, and what you're engaging with. It's good to remove yourself or take a break and do some self care. You're the only one who truly knows what your system can handle and when you've been tipped over the edge into things like anxiety, animosity and fear. It is good to tend yourself - not only for you, but because you will be more effective in the world if you're coming from a solid place. You don't need to know everything that's happening all the time. Be gentle with you. May you be filled with the light of Source in a way you can feel and know. May your inner and outer world be a balanced experience of your truth. You are the medicine, and only you are the unique combination of things that create the medicine you are. So please, Be. Be mindful. Tend yourself. You are worthy of tending. We need you. Our weather comes and goes in unfamiliar, unexpected ways. Today (in Bend, at least) the chill of Fall can be felt. There is an energy of brimming, of magic. We are coming into the holy space of dying, the end of a cycle - not only in the natural world, but in who we are. The excitement of this season, for me, is in the ending that leads to mysterious caverns within. The stuff of who I've been gets composted, churned, processed, and made fertile for what is to come. Here is the time of creation. The time before the seed is planted or even recognized as a seed. How do you enter this space, Beloved? You are the sacred space itself, and the precious light that lives therein. Time to dust away the cobwebs, sweep out the mud, and prepare this temple with reverence. I am shining a thousand blessings of light into your beautiful heart. Love, Aowyn
January 2025