Thank you, Friend! More and more, you are placing yourself in the situations and surroundings that best serve your heart and your purpose. The more you actively place yourself in high-vibration fields, the more you become who you really are. You’re seeing how low-vibration thoughts, images, ideas, food, conversation, media and relationships have a negative impact on your being. More and more, you’re spending time with the people and experiences that encourage you to feel, and to feel what's true for you. More and more, you’re choosing to immerse yourself in the energies that weave a bright and loving experience for you as an awakening human; and as you surrender to this field of your creation, you soften and connect more obviously with pure awareness.
You are beginning to really understand that you are a creator. Your life is a reflection of your inner experience and your unique expression. Thank you for doing your part to heal yourself, your relationships, and this planet. Threads of trauma and woundedness are being cut. The patterns that used to run as a result of those wounds are ready to be cleared out and replaced. What was frenetic is becoming calm. More and more, compassion and gratitude are flowing within and from you. The struggle for purpose gets replaced with openness and availability, acceptance and devotion. Congratulations on your abundance! Thank you, Friend, for your persistence. You are such a valuable part of the whole!
January 2025