I am not afraid. All shall be well. These bodies will die; they always have. It's ok to let it all be ok. To trust. It is safe to do so. While the world's leaders scramble to figure out a way to save us, save our money, save the way things have been, we dive beneath the surface to find our deepest roots, and we reach out to one another. We take care of each other with gentleness, and generosity, and love. We remember what it's like to truly support, and to receive true support. We connect. We remember our hearts and our gifts. We give. We receive. We send love to the ones in denial of what's been created. We send love to the ones who reinforce the disconnect. Organically, peacefully, we emanate love. We stay out of their illusion - it's their business, and it will run its course, like all things. It is safe to trust. Together, we shine. Art: New Pioneers by Mark Hansen
I see you, Friend. I see you riding the waves, navigating the seas. You're doing a great job, and I hear you. Thank you for manifesting this writing; it is a ceremony that is being designed by you, for you, and I am honored to write it in your name. In ceremonies of healing, I call the directions and the elements to support the work. They are a part of the sacred container that generously holds and supports the healing. South/Fire's been glowing bright these past two months, showing me its gift, its way of holding, its purpose, and these days it's burning hot. We asked for change. In ceremony, we plant the seeds of our intentions in the East. When we ask for change, things get shaken up. And here we are, all of us standing in Fire's alchemical corridor while everything, it seems, is turned upside down. We are breathing and pushing and feeling the pains of rebirth. Sometimes it feels like death - and it is. Sometimes it feels like we'll never make it through. But Friends, we are also waiting for ourselves on the other side, calling each and all of us through and forward into a new way of being. Breathe. These are not just words you are reading. This is your job, one your Soul designed for yourself. You can do it. You are held in a powerful container of light that is right now being created for this healing. You are still and always an active co-creator in our shared experience. This is the momentous opportunity we are being given: to intentionally birth the human collective into a shared love and reverence for all beings. Harmony within ourselves and with all beings and this planet. A felt knowing of our connectedness. Caring for all beings. YOU are the microcosm of the macrocosm: a Beloved Human Being, created by and made of our unified Source. Your energy, how you feel, what you think, what you say, and how you behave is connected to and affects everything - literally. And as a human living here and now, you have been evolutionarily gifted with exactly what you need to BE the change you have asked for, and to thereby create our new, harmonized collective reality. Please, turn on your inner witness, the one who can see your entire experience at the same time as you're having it. Witness your thoughts, feelings, physical sensations, imaginations. No one knows your inner world like you, and YOU are your best healer. Be gentle. Breathe. With the alchemical power of Fire, we are burning through fear and the resulting illusion of separation from one another. We can heal what we can see and feel. So please, just for now, notice if you feel afraid. Allow your feelings of anxiety or uneasiness to be. It's ok. It is safe to feel and to notice your feelings. Notice what you turn to for support, and what it really does for you. Does it isolate you, or connect you? These are not just words you are reading. Really check it out. Notice how it affects your physical body. Do you tense up, harden, create physical shields of defense? Just witness it. Witness when you feel the tiny or overwhelming urge to horde, to take more for yourself than you need, leaving less for others. Notice when you poo-poo another person's feelings of fear or fragility, and how that puts a wall between you, blocking your connection. Notice when you're feeling trapped in an obsession with doomsday reports, and what that does to your nervous system. It's ok, just notice. We are doing this together. Notice which energies and information you choose to take in and cultivate as building blocks for the world you're now creating. Perhaps you withhold words of comfort because you're afraid it's not good enough. Maybe you ignore your intuition and defer to external authority. Or maybe you decide not to care, or not to help, or to look away from someone's suffering, because it's more convenient to shut down or move on. Maybe you're so hard on yourself you cannot rest. There are so many ways showing up right now for us to see the fear that's been wound into our systems. Now breathe. We are holding every part of you with love, right now. It's all perfect, Learner. Thank you, Awakening One. Breathe into the feelings. Love yourself, every bit of you. You are doing the best you can - you always have. You were taught things, and you grew from there, and you are growing from here. It's all perfect. No judgment here, just witnessing and experiencing. So feel it all. Feel it, and scream, cry, bellow. Howl it out to the moon. It hurts when we forget who we are. Mourn. Water the seeds of change with your tears from the blessed West. Let it be processed. Hold it up for yourself to see so you can love these parts of you with blessed compassion. You are courageous, and you are healing, and you are beginning again to source your experience in love. Move it all through. It's ok that you've felt these things. It's ok that you've acted these ways. This is why you're here: to do this work, to help us all come home. Let it move. Lovingly release what's held you bound. And if you feel shame, let this loving fire burn through that, too. If you feel remorse or regret, hold those feelings with compassion, and let them burn in the fires of transformation. We are holding this process in a circle of light. If you notice you are judging this process of change, love that part of you who separates from the possibility of healing and connection. You are welcome here. You have always done the best you could do, in every moment of your growing awareness, and you still are, right now. See yourself. Love yourself. Come clean. Come home. No explanations are necessary. All is forgiven. You are welcome here, exactly as you are. Burn, baby, burn. Let the fire light you up. It shows you what you haven't been able to see about yourself. It shows you how you've cultivated big blocks or tiny threads of fear within your own being, how you've participated in creating the ILLUSION of separation from others and from your own true nature. We all have, and it's ok, and now is the time to actively transform. It is safe to do so, now. You belong. Just as you are. You know in your heart how you would rather be feeling, thinking, behaving. You know what you would rather be giving, and therefore receiving. Your heart knows what love is. You are being called, supported by the greater knowing that is YOU, to birth yourself into love. You are now called to remember the truth of our unity, the very fabric of our existence. You are being called to stand in your shining sovereignty as together we find solace and empowerment in the goodness that we are. It is time to come home, here and now, manifesting this truth by the power of North, and Earth. Let love fill every inch of your being. It is who you are. Breathe compassion through every piece of your experience. Just breathe into your heart. Imagine your heart in your chest, your heart chakra or your anatomical heart, and imagine it breathing. See it taking air in and expanding, then letting air out and contracting. See your heart breathing with every breath you breathe. Smile, and let the chemicals of friendliness wash through your being. And feel a positive emotion. Feel love, feel gratitude, feel appreciation. These are not just words you are reading. This is a practice of manifestation, Friend. Really feel love, gratitude, appreciation while you smile and breathe your heart. Slow down. Let the feelings expand in you; embody this love, this gratitude. Breathe, and imagine your friends and loved ones, and send this love out to them. Slowly, slowly. Breathe. Radiate your shining light, and imagine the people who feel challenging for you. Breathe, and shine love to those people. Compassion, compassion as we all heal our way home to the truth of our unified caring. Breathe your heart, and smile, and feel this beautiful truth of the love that you are, and imagine it weaving through your community, connecting to all of your loved ones, your friends, your neighbors, your teachers. Breathe it around and through your city, shining out to all the people and places and things. Breathe it out and around and through your entire state. Expand, Friend, and radiate this love that you are so that it weaves and blooms its way through your entire country, west to east, north to south, every bit of it. Breathe, and shine your loving truth out to this entire planet and every being on it. Shine love to the beings of the land, the water and the air. Shine your lovelight to the plants and the trees, the air, and the waters, and the Earth herself. Be with this entire planet, in the powerful, unified love that we are. With so much gratitude, let love expand, and send these blessings to All That Is. Thank you, Friend. It's all perfect. Be outside. Breathe fresh air. The natural world has never felt so alive, so generous, so supportive. You are now and always held with love and compassion; it is who you are. I am shining a thousand blessings into your beautiful heart. Bless you, and thank you for your tending. Bowing in divine recognition, Aowyn Image by Kuba Ambrose and Vera Atlantia
January 2025