The key that unlocks all possibility within.
Carrier, bringer of change, activator. A means for release. A healing device. A way of welcoming. This is the breath. When we breathe consciously, we receive - and come to understand that what once seemed extraordinary is in fact ordinary, innate, sacred. There is a field of awareness that is available to you. It is utter compassion, it is love, without form or thought - it is even without intention; it is that pure. You can learn to tune into this field, breathe, and dissolve the distortions you've knowingly, unknowingly or intentionally gathered within. All that you are, all you have been or ever will be, is whole. Breath of life, precious healing device received at birth: Thank you, thank you, thank you. Perfect design, unending flow and connection of all things: I love you, I love you, I love you. How about a nice deep one right now? Might as well relax the body. Soften the jaw. Let the hands be gently open. Soft belly. Now b r e a t h e ~
We are Source energy, manifest as humans. Both are important, both are why we're here. We are divine beings, here to experience the game of humanity - the polarity, the interplay of light and dark. The full spectrum. Contrast.
As we learn to embody the Source energy that we are, our personal humanity rises to meet us at that level. It's a perfect design; we are here to collectively experience everything. This is a polarity planet, and none of it is bad or wrong. Even the things that look or feel dark are here to inspire in you a deeper connection with Source, so that you may transmute the darkness inside yourself - not by changing the things or people around you, but by making internal shifts - and create anew from this transmuted space. Everything is Source energy at play. There is nothing to fear. Remember who you are. There is no one enslaving you, nothing and no one to save. To believe there is, is to identify more firmly with your humanity than your divinity, which is only part of your existence. Your divinity - Source energy - is free. And you have the ability to know this truth. The experience of fear inside you, or that you see in others, is here to inspire deeper levels of your Source awareness and more conscious creativity in you. There is a balance, a way of mastery that is the whole point and the fantastic gift of this wondrous existence: know that you are a creator, and play in the human experience. Use your consciousness. Become masterful. Create your inner experience and your reality. As you anchor more consciously into Source energy, your experience will naturally become one of lightness and high frequency. This is the place from which you will then consciously create. It is the place from which you will see the darkness inside and outside of you, and which will change your response to it and therefore change your experience of life. So check in with your internal world. Notice what's going on in there. It may seem like your current experience is all there is, but I'm here to remind you, Creator: that is an illusion. There are infinite options for how you can feel and experience yourself, your relationships, your life and the world around you. Everything is in flow, everything is divine play. And it all starts inside you. I love you very much. I am here for you. I am shining a thousand blessings of light into your beautiful heart. Love, Aowyn One of my favorite benefits my clients receive is relief. When I say relief, I mean stress relief - an actual physical experience of it - as well as emotional, psycho-spiritual, and existential relief. The combination of a high-frequency energy field, lovingness, and the way I guide clients through their inner experience can have a smoothing effect on the nervous system, and a softening in the heart center. It can bring the autonomic nervous system into balance. It can help you know, in a way you can feel, that everything's ok.
The habit of living in a state of stress takes practice to unwind - whether there's anything stressful actually happening, or especially if something's happening in your life (divorce, job transition, etc.) that might keep that habit active. This is why I work in containers - a series of 6+ (1.5 hour) sessions. We're together weekly or biweekly, doing the work of unwinding your programs, resting in a high frequency field of emotions/energy, tuning your energy centers, and helping you shift into your preferred experience of yourself. You'll have homework - between sessions, it's your job to spend at least 10 minutes every day in service to your heart. You are not doomed to be a stressed out person. You have the ability to feel ease, peace and grace - and all the benefits that come from these states of being. It just takes tending. |
January 2025