We humans have been receiving a massive upgrade - and are about to receive even more later this month. Notably, surges of blue light are being delivered to our planet throughout November; the next two are coming through the Hopi mesas in Arizona on the 18th and 25th. Light codes containing infinite wisdom are falling gently into our environment and are being received into our energetic and physical bodies - right into our DNA. You don't have to believe any of this for it to affect you. What are you noticing? What habits and patterns do you see in yourself? Are you having a-ha moments, sudden empowerment or transformation, or a desire to be more true to yourself? Are you becoming more aware of your psychic abilities? Are you being drawn toward healing and self care, more than before?
I'm grateful to have seen these things in me, and am sliding consciously into a vast stillness. There's no need to criticize yourself when you see things in yourself that you don't like; seeing what's in the dark is an opportunity for healing. I don't want you to think that "receiving light codes" and "upgrading your DNA" means you're suddenly going to become a "spiritual person." Of course, you ARE a spiritual person; you can't not be. But you're not necessarily going to start meditating because you suddenly enjoy it... although you might begin to get curious about having a spiritual practice of some kind. You're not necessarily going to... I don't know, how do you think of "spiritual people"? You're not necessarily going to start seeing auras, or having conversations with angels. Those things can happen and they might - or they might not, because you are simply, perfectly, becoming more of who you are.
It's safe to express your knowing - and the more people who do this, the safer it will feel for others to do the same. Expanding is actually more comfortable than not expanding. It is safe to surrender to your own freedom.
As we surrender everything and become free, and express our knowing of truth, one by one we create a new collective reality. A reality where people live in harmony and peace. It's good to support yourself while we move through these surges of energy. Tune in. What do you need? What kind of self care and self love would be most supportive for you? Let it be absolutely pure. Get quiet, and ask your heart: what do you need? If you're operating from the unhealed places in you that are being revealed so much right now, you might decide self care means treating yourself to a day at the spa... even though you don't have extra funds to cover such a thing... so you walk away from the experience with constriction in your chest and worry in your heart. This isn't self care, because it's not energetically clean; it's not in alignment for you. Using my personal example from before: my contracted self has told me recently that getting high would really help me let go of the stress. But checking out by getting high isn't truly in alignment for me - it's my mind trying to run the show by digging up a piece of old programming. When I get out of my thinking mind and let my heart respond, she tells me she needs me to be present. She's asking me to slow down in every way. I find that when I slow my body and mind to be fully present, the energies of worry and concern simply melt away. This is clean self care - truly aligned - and therefore supportive of myself as I go through my personal experience of these systemic upgrades. You see? There's never been a better time to practice real self care and grounding. It will help you move through the changes that are coming (which might be sudden or gradual for you). Know that peace is what's in store. May your heart be soft and open. May you realize in every cell of your being that you are an embodiment of love. May you dwell in peace. Love, Aowyn
Please stop comparing your evolution to other people's. There are infinite aspects to being alive in a human body. Time is irrelevant when it comes to awakening. It is multidimensional and infinite. Some people are seeing beings from other planets. Some people are becoming masterful compassionate communicators. Some are experiencing their divine geometry. Some are realizing that having boundaries is an act of love. Some are seeing signs and symbols everywhere. Some are letting go of codependency. Some people are receiving downloads from unseen beings. Some are learning how to not only give love, but also to receive it. So while you might not think you can show up authentically with your friends right now, you might be developing psychic abilities. Maybe you're not meditating daily, but you're practicing getting good rest. Our evolution is infinite, and it happens in so many realms - emotional, energetic, spiritual, physical, relational... and in so many different dimensions... and every piece of it is beautiful, powerful, meaningful and valuable - inside yourself, in your community, and on this planet. You see? You are a human being, and you're exactly where you're meant to be. It's safe to love yourself exactly as you are. It's safe to let go of comparison, to just be with your own perfect, perfectly timed experience. It's safe to rest in your own heart, to welcome and appreciate the healing and evolution that is already underway. Everything about you is perfect, and perfectly timed. Thank you for being.
You're doing a great job. I love you very much! -Aowyn |
January 2025