There is a presence in you. It is neverending. It is the Source of all things, it is nothing, it is everything. It is utterly compassionate. It is the most exquisite attention you can ever receive. It is in you, it is you, it is infinitely creative, it is where you came from, it does not judge anything, it loves everything. It has no beginning and no end. It is so vast, so neutral, it is nothing. It is undescribeable love. It is forever accessible to you in every moment as a knowing, and all you have to do is turn your attention to it.
With your awareness in this space, you know Oneness. Being this, you know in every particle and every space that all is well. Whatever your journey in this lifetime - whatever troubles, whatever ease you experience - you can know that all is well. You can feel it in your bones. Your mind can expand, your heart can expand into an infinite knowing of this truth. It is relief. It is bliss. This is not an experience reserved for just some people, some places, some times. It is already and always in all beings, in every place and at every time. It is awareness itself, and when you be it, even for a second, every part of your human incarnation becomes infused with light. It's not something to reach for, or something to attain. It can never be lost. It is simply, profoundly, a shift in where you place your attention. It is in you; it is you. Yes, you can. I see you. * I am shining a thousand blessings of light into your beautiful heart. With very much love, Aowyn
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January 2025