If you're wanting to change something about yourself or the way you experience life, you can go about it in a variety of ways.
You can keep it always at the forefront of your mind. You can hold it with a tight grip, a constant focus. You can work hard. You can experience it as heaviness, a burden or a "have to." You can be angry or disappointed in yourself along the way. You can criticize you. You can try to "fix" yourself. You can let it be all-encompassing in a way that feels boxed in. Or you can hold your process gently. You can approach yourself and your growth with curiosity. You can witness yourself - and all the things you think and do and feel and believe - with acceptance, knowing that this is a journey. You can be spacious and intentional. You can experiment with new thoughts, new words, new input to your system, and watch the effects. You can remember that there's nothing to fix, only an experience to have and to create along the way. You can let your growth process be in your awareness and, at the same time, experiment with how and when and how much and in what way you focus your attention and your effort. You can take breaks. You can lighten up. It's ok to play. Please do play! My guess is that the whole reason you're interested in changing something about yourself or the way you experience life, is in part because you want to enjoy being. So please, do. You are invited to enjoy life, even when you're in a growth process. Only you know when "enjoying life" becomes neglecting what is important to you, in terms of your healing and evolution. You'll know it's neglect by how you feel. It's ok if you hit that point. You can notice it, and adjust to what feels right. Notice that you care about you - you wouldn't be feeling these things if you didn't. Tune into the caring. You care about you and your experience. Let that guide you back into balance - a balance of play and work, spaciousness and tending. Holding it all with curiosity. You'll know it's balanced by how you feel. This is your unique, precious life. You are evolving, always. You get to choose how you do it. I am shining a thousand blessings of light into your beautiful heart. Love, Aowyn
January 2025