Voice of the One Heart A Prayer from Light Omega May light be victorious,
May darkness be dispelled. May God’s plan for the Earth be fulfilled. Now, in this holy hour, May all come to recognize their Oneness with each other, With the trees and plants, With all of life. Long has the Earth waited For the light to transform it. Long have hearts waited for The hope that can lift them. May it be now. Now the Earth breathes a sigh of relief. New life has begun. May all that opposes light be dispelled. May the light of truth arise. May all that separates release its hold. May only love remain. Sanctified and holy is this Divine ordination – That souls shall come to know God And their Oneness with each other. May harmony emerge from the Divine Essence within each. May peace come to the Earth at last. May love awaken. May fear be dissolved in the Light of Oneness. May light be victorious. May all that is not that be dispelled. May it be now. Here, in the one Heart, May all find rest. May all find peace. Here, in the one Heart, May souls find their true home. Beyond division, beyond all but love, May the one Heart remain within all.
Earth Prayer is a song by Ena Vie and Howard Lipp. It is a prayer for healing, forgivenss, gratitude and love for all of creation. Woven into the song's chorus is the powerful prayer, Ho'oponopono, which is: I'm sorry, Forgive me, I love you, Thank you. We feel it all
We come from the Light, and to it we shall return We are the One, and in this truth we live Here and now upon the Earth This is our home And when you call our name Your ancient wisdom awakens our own The time is now to go beyond what has been What is to come cannot be known I'm sorry, Forgive me I offer this healing I love you and Thank you, amen I'm sorry, Forgive me An open heart I bring I love you and Thank you, amen We have a choice To walk in a good way Make new decisions Pray for peace within us all We can find strength Together we rise and face the wind We awaken when we listen to Earth's call Don't sleep tonight We have a thousand songs to sing These ancient sounds, they lift us out of suffering Come dance with me For there is only one prayer Truth is all, no end and no beginning I'm sorry, Forgive me I offer this healing I love you and Thank you, amen I'm sorry, Forgive me An open heart I bring I love you and Thank you, amen O Great Spirit, Creator of all Things Of the west and the thunder Of the east and the sun In the north, the shining elders And the south, our mother's womb To those above and below us To the seen and unseen Those who have walked before and after We ask your assistance to live simply Please forgive us, for we know not what we do And we thank you for all you help us through I'm sorry, Forgive me I offer this healing I love you and Thank you, amen I'm sorry, Forgive me An open heart I bring I love you and Thank you, amen. |
January 2025