Divine Creators: A quick note about intention setting and manifestation. Remember how your words are all powerful? Your feeling state is the fuel that moves those words from sound to solid.
Consider that the words "want" and "need" imply lack. Since lack is an inherent vibration in "want" and "need" statements, at least a portion of what you're requesting is more lack. Get it? Try using "ready for" and "excited to" instead. Check it out:
Feel the difference? But before you begin: boost your creationary words with feeling. Your feelings are the ground into which you're planting the seeds of your intentions, so make it fertile. Make it alive. When you're making an intention, take a minute to focus on your heart. Feel that place in your chest. See it. Breathe. Smile (smiling activates chemicals that create an inner atmosphere of welcoming and friendliness). Think of something that makes you happy - Fall, puppies, your amazingness, good friends, love, anything. Then let go of that image and just FEEL that happy feeling. Feel it in your heart. Feel it in yer bones. Breathe your heart. Now say those magic words: I'M READY TO... It's Fall, peeps, and we're just past the Equinox, heading toward Samhain, Halloween, Dia de Muertos, the thinning of the veil. Feel the sparkle? There's magic in the air. Ain't no better time to make some yourself. Love, Aowyn
It's ok to stop trying so hard to get it right. Just be yourself.
You are already fully awakened, fully aligned, fully attuned, completely realized, ascended and complete. Your perfect, immaculate, divine, sovereign self is here. Now. You always have been. And you are here to guide your human form, body and mind, on its journey. Want to meet your spirit guides? Stand at the mirror and look into your own eyes, Beloved. You signed up for yourself long before the miracle of your manifestation and birth. You created this very human form to be exactly the way you are, with the intention to guide your human self along the way. Remember who you are. It's ok to stop worrying, Friend. It is safe to lay down your concern. You are never, ever alone. And everything - everything! - you experience is held in the perfect, loving awareness of the Beloved, which you are and have always been. So shine a little light on this dear one you have created. Show her the compassionate Way. Give him the unconditional love that you are. When you stop worrying and trying to get it right all the time, he can let go a little bit more. And when she lets go into the knowing that everything is happening in service to her healing, she has space to accept herself, body and mind. Every feeling, every thought, every impulse is allowed to be - and every bit of it is here to help you. With your divine permission, you can see it all as a gift - every bit of it: the anger, the jealousy, the hopelessness, the doubt; the curiosity, the longing, the joy, the passion, the gratitude, the contentment, the accidents and intentions and addictions and collaborations; every time you put your foot in your mouth, every time you're bored, every time you rock your own world, every decision you get to make, every time you hurt, every time you love, every time you gloat and every time you experience humility - ALL of it is here for you to see and to help you accept, with love, your beloved human self on its perfect human journey. Every piece of you is given permission to be, Friend. And thank you, thank you for being. You are precious, and you belong, and you are welcome here. You are the light of pure consciousness. And you, dear human, are loved. Bowing deeply to your heart, Aowyn Creators, I've been hearing a lot of language lately that is calling in exactly the things people don't want. People are tossing around all kinds of "shoulds" and "have-to's." These words are some of the best you can choose to keep yourself stuck in an unwanted reality.
Your words are vibration. Each one vibrates at its own frequency. Some of these frequencies expand, and some of them contract. At the finest levels, everything - not just words and sound, but EVERYTHING is vibration, and everything affects everything else. With every word, you are transmitting signals to your emotional and energetic bodies, your psyche, and the universe. Take a minute to feel what it feels like when you say these words (really, slow down and check this out): No, should, hate, can't. Now take a breath, and say these words, and feel how they feel: Yes, choose, love, can. Got it? With a deep bow to Dani Katz and her book "Word Up" (highly recommended!), I give you these few quantum languaging hacks: Should: This word orders you around, shutting down you as a person and actually turning the thing you "should" do invisible. "I should be eating healthier" - ugh - makes me feel bad about myself. Doesn't inspire me to eat healthier AT ALL. In fact, it makes me want chips and cookies immediately. Right? So here are some languaging options:
Have to: This bossy phrase denies your sovereignty and your free will. You don't "have to" do anything. You get to choose. You don't "have to" meditate every morning. You choose to meditate because it brings you peace. You don't "have to" go to work; you choose to go to work because you choose to have a steady income. Please try this instead:
So. You are officially invited to notice the words you're using, and to choose exquisite languaging that creates an expansive vibrational experience for you and everyone and everything. Here's one more piece from Dani that I personally enjoy: when I hear myself using low-vibing language, I will say, right out loud: "Cancel, delete, erase." and then I say the words that intend my true intention. Give it a try. Yes you can! Attention determines experience. We attract and affect and create what we focus on, and how we focus. It's all vibration, Friends. Every bit of everything. And our words are powerful creationary tools - ones that are so very easy to choose and use consciously. It's another part of this brilliant human design. Enjoy! With love, Aowyn |
January 2025