So many of you are at different levels of realizing that you are a creator. This piece of awakening comes to most in flashes and waves of understanding. It's true that with every thought, you are creating. With every feeling, you are creating. With your words - oh lordy, with your words, you are creating. And when you settle in to a sacred spaciousness to experience true intention - whew. Get ready.
You are powerful. When you align with your Divine nature, you begin to see that EVERY being is an expression of the Divine, including you. They (you) may have suffered greatly, and that suffering may have caused them (you) to become fearful, judging, even hating, even violent - and still, they (you) are in truth an expression of the Christ Consciousness. From this place of alignment to Truth, forgiveness is reality. Compassion is real. What is created comes from our shared Source. And our new collective experience - one that is healthy and cooperative, infused with love, caring and equality - comes into being. How are you creating? It's time to set down your judgment. Let go of bitterness. Trash the habitual self-deprecating language. You are worthy of love. So feel it, Friend. You are not separate from anyone or anything. You affect everything. It is time to create with compassion. Create with love. Create with forgiveness. A heart-guided reality is available to you, Beloved. It's leading us back to worldwide harmony. Thank you for your curiosity, your persistence and your good work. Thank you for continuing to learn. What a bright future we are now sharing! You are powerful, Creator. With love, Aowyn
We toss around the word "ego" like it's the enemy, something to be overcome or transcended. But the ego, the personality, the small self, has been created by you for the very purpose of offering you the tools you need to remember who you truly are, and then a way to express that truth. The ego itself is not bad. Allowing the personality to rule your life with identification to past experiences, habitual ways of being, belief systems, appearances, material possessions, etc. stands in the way of your self realization. When you remember, realize, awaken to your Divine self, your personality doesn't leave; it begins to align with that Truth. And because you are a Creator, when your personality (which is how you interact with this human life) aligns with your Divine self, the world you experience also begins to align in this way.
You begin to see through the eyes of love. You do not deny any of your feelings; you welcome them as guests and teachers. You do not stop having a sense of humor; you rejoice in how funny you can be. You do not stop experiencing your sexuality; you embrace your desire and your pleasure as the Beloved. You do not drop out of society, renounce all material possessions, and become a breatharian (unless of course this is your true desire and purpose); you enjoy and appreciate and engage with life. You might think, "I am a stylish person, I am in control, I am ashamed of my behavior, I am a successful businessperson, I am a cheery person, I am a facilitator, I am a sarcastic son-of-a-bitch, I am a masterful gardener, I am a yoga teacher" - but when you let go of these impermanent identifications and locate your knowing of who you are in your divinity, you simply cannot lose. The Truth of who you are remains, always. You become free, and wealthy beyond imagination. You know your wholeness. The I AM that is your Divine self is expressed through you, effortlessly, and you experience the gift of unconditional love that you truly are. --- Here is one simple practice to help you relocate to Truth: Give yourself some space, some quiet. Say aloud a list of things about you (it's important that you actually say these things out loud, not just in your head). "I am a mother" (father, sister, etc.) "I am a banker" (mindfulness teacher, grocery checkout person, travel agent, etc.) "I am an attractive woman, I am a circus performer, I am an addict, I am the president of such-and-such" - let the list come out as it will, according to how you have known yourself. Then end by saying aloud: "I am not that." --- I celebrate you in this moment on your journey of homecoming And in this moment And in this one. You're doing such a good job. With love, Aowyn So many gifts you keep giving yourself! And by gifts, I mean all these people and situations that keep showing up to trigger you. You are doing such a good job of calling them in to push your buttons. It's a meaningful gift from you to you: an invitation to bring awareness to your inner world. An invitation to love yourself more. May you be blessed with the courage to see what's really happening in you, beneath all your reactions.
Your awareness makes space for love, compassion and forgiveness--which helps you to identify and loosen the more intricately tangled pieces of your patterning. It’s multi-layered, this web of experience. Healing and reweaving our hearts' connection is intricate work. Know that you are not alone in your experience. What is in you, is in many. Wherever you are in this process, thank you, and bless you. So give yourself some space. Breathe. Love yourself. Really, just say it out loud: I love you, ____. I love you. Shine that lovelight on everything you feel, everything you've been, everything you are. You are forgiven. You are learning. You are loved. May it feel safe for you to heal, friend. You are precious. Thank you for your beautiful heart. I send you blessings for balance and courage, humor and reverence, grace and love. You got this. With Love, Aowyn |
January 2025