When we fear that the truth of who we are is in danger, humans have a tendency to protect ourselves, sometimes in ways that are harmful to others. Most of us were born with the felt experience of infinite connection, knowing our preciousness; but for many, circumstances created a fear of that preciousness being harmed, shunned or taken away. That fear is enough to make us harden, resist, judge, fight, strategize, hide, pretend, isolate, separate, oppress or even hate, as a way to protect our precious Truth. Sometimes we do that for so many years - or lifetimes - that this notion of separation becomes our personality, our way of being. It is far from the truth of who we are. Over time, we run that program for so long, we no longer remember what our Truth truly is, and we begin to locate not in our wholeness, but in the walls we've built around it. We forget who we are; we speak from the walls, instead of from our hearts. We actively separate, rather than resting in the connected wholeness that still lives in us - that which we are, but which now lives under so many layers of protection. Sometimes a person, a movement, or an era comes along and creates an opening for people's Truth to courageously emerge. Sometimes whole groups of people start coming home at once. Sometimes, when a person first stands in their Truth, it comes out as anger. It can sound demanding, deserving, immature, mean, even asshole-ish, and often lacking the grace that will unfold with time, especially if loved into homecoming. When we remember our Truth, we are more able to hold space for others' Truths to be remembered. We can hold loving space while others navigate their way home, through the layers of their fearful anger or defense - or even offense, grief or shame, or however the journey home begins. We don't tolerate this process; we honor it. We allow its movement. We do not turn away. We do not hide. In the sometimes ungraceful beginning of someone's unfolding, we work to resist the temptation to restore our old walls of judgment, defense and separation - the ones we built so long ago to protect our own precious Truth, and later dissolved in order to live in freedom. In time, as we learn to love and honor ourselves in these moments of forgetfulness, the temptation to again separate dissolves. Instead, we hold loving space, from our own place of wholeness. We remain - as Jesus did, as Gandhi did - in love. We demonstrate Love For those we love, For those with whom we disagree, For those whose fear runs the show, For those who are so lost, they do harm. We stand lovingly, solidly in the truth of our shared wholeness for those who are so lost, they encourage others to do harm. We demonstrate Love. We love. This is the space we hold for the current wave of remembrance. It is the place from which we take action, even though the catalyst for Truth's emergence looks like total chaos. We stand in the blessed freedom of Truth. We live from love. We lead in love. We allow our hearts to call the other hearts home. Art by Autumn Skye Morrison
Friend. Your intuition is spot on. If something makes you wag your tail, look there.
Sometimes your brain will bother you with nagging thoughts of regret or concern. Don't worry about them. When you notice your brain doing this little dance, acknowledge it: "Huh. The brain is doing this regret thing." Or even: "Hm. That's not me." Then ask to switch - or declare that you are switching - to a different lens. For example: "I'm ready to see this through the eyes of love." Or maybe: "I'm switching to a loving lens." Or how about starting here: "I love you, (your name)." You can shift to a different way of seeing, thinking, feeling. This shifting to a different Way - these are not just words on a page. It is real. Lovingness is not some foreign experience to seek or figure out or make happen. It is in you; it is who you are, and all that is required is a shift in your awareness, your perspective. Move your attention. Become aware of love. It is. So relax, yes? Be nice to you. Breathe the love that is always and already Who You Are. Your feelings, in combination with your thoughts, are magnetizing experience to you. So let them be loving, in service to the highest good for yourself and all beings. Why bother with anything else? You are brilliantly designed to create your experience based on your feelings and focus. Luckily, you have been evolutionarily gifted with consciousness, the ability to use mindfulness, and free will, all of which you can combine and use as a tool to literally rewire your brain and help you create the experience you want to be having. If you have already discovered these tools, you can count this as a reminder to go ahead and use them. It is your gift and your birthright and your purpose to create, and you are doing it, consciously or not. You get to do it from love or from fear. You get to choose. These are not just words on a page; it is real. You get to choose your experience, and since everything is connected, your experience affects everything. Remember love. It is who you are. You are important, Sister. Brother, you are important. Thank you for your good work. Bowing to your heart, Aowyn |
January 2025