I didn't think I had, until a month into my sabbatical - free from my devices, tuned to nature - when I realized total stillness, peace and freedom.
Because of this natural pacing, I'm really noticing my feelings. I notice how when my attention moves to one place, it's withdrawn from another; and where I place my awareness in any moment affects my mental state, physical body, and emotions. Rather than responding quickly, I'm making new choices about when and how to engage with my life, other people and the world. This natural pacing creates a vast field of opportunity. This is the spaciousness I offer my clients. We enter a healing relationship for a length of time, with clear focus and a natural rhythm. One session can feel profound and even life-changing - and then there's more. There's a deepening. Personal exploration unfolds naturally, for a conscious tending of your experience. The container is a place for a real honoring of you. There's time to test, in my office and in your life, whether the shifts you experience are actually integrated - and time to make adjustments, to bring about the integration you seek. There's time to assimilate and appreciate the fullness of the journey. I've been hearing from clients I saw last year about how grateful they are for the work we did together, and the ways they've changed. This is living alchemy, powerful and lasting. The gifts from my sabbatical are evident in my life and my work with clients. I'm so very, very grateful. The integration process feels gentle and sure, sacred and spacious - a natural rhythm. I currently have space for four more clients. If you're feeling drawn into a period of healing and personal evolution, please be in touch! With love, Aowyn
It's my most favorite and valuable supplement. Why?
The experience of seeing beauty leads to the state of love. Not the feeling of love, the state of love. It's easy to say "Love yourself. Love others." Yes, of course those are beautiful feelings and we all want that - but it's not always easy to do it. If you're very stressed out, or you're feeling depressed, or you don't know how to come out of your cave... it's not necessarily easy to access the feeling of love. But beauty persists. It's always available for us to witness, even in the most painful moments of life. Even in the face of trauma, you can still look at a sunrise or a sunset and witness beauty. If you stop everything for even a minute, you can just take beauty in and let it be medicine. Beauty is a magic potion; it enters through your eyes or your ears, and if you remain a witness to the beauty, and feel what it feels like to really take it in, the beauty will bloom into love. And love... love is the highest frequency. It is the healer of all. It is the opposite of fear. It is the opposite of all things that come from fear. It is the knowing that in essence, we are connected. When we exist in the state of love, our life begins to shape itself around that consciousness, and our experience becomes what we want it to be. So. I invite you to give it a try. Go outside, and be still for a few minutes or more. Receive beauty through your eyeballs from the trees, the sky, the land, the water. Or find a beautiful piece of music. Be still and let it enter through your ears. Relax your body, relax your breath. Let beauty become the state of love in you, and watch how your life begins to shift and change from the inside out. |
January 2025