When we are at peace with what is, when we remember how to honor our hearts, when we know how we feel, when we feel our feelings, when we breathe it through - when we breathe;
When the thing we incarnated in order to heal - that thing we worked with for so many years, and finally there came lasting spaciousness - when the thing we incarnated in order to heal is healed; When the layers have been peeled away until the core is gently revealed and lovingly seen, honored with acceptance and Love from and for Thy Divine Self, from and for Thy Human Self - Then we know that everything is truly ok. Everything. We find the place where divine purpose meets human function. It looks nothing like what we thought it would look like. It is better than everything we could not previously conceive of, but can now. It is more true, more full, more right, more simple than even that. We are released from our armor to reveal our strategies of protection, our wounds and our misconceptions, our vulnerability, our growing clarity; we trust and we persist with our healing, and we stay in our relief and our gratitude for our Light and our Love. We feel the depths of grief and the heights of bliss, and it is all the same. We breathe it all through. We live in a human body as the divine flow. We see. And we accept and we receive the blessing of every single thing we experience. Our existence is the healer, the teacher. We let go in order to truly live, and we bow with humble gratitude for the gift of our surrender. We generate, cultivate, and radiate Love. With our healed and healing existence in the here/now, and by living a heart-guided life, we manifest a new world for future generations. Here and now - across the mountains and valleys of duality and disconnect, from within the rubble of evolution's destruction phase - we see the light of homecoming. The Return. A Remembering. For All. We align with Source, which has been in us all along. The living, breathing process of becoming is innately ecstatic and, finally, obvious. Available and generous. Magical. And normal. Our alignment is a middle-ground Medicine Way of Being. This Way holds the Heart as the Queen, the Jewel, the Divine, the Source of All Blessings, the True and Trusted and Only Guide. It is the Medicine Way, the Way of the Medicine that we are and that heals all. We exist in this Way where whatever we truly want or want to create, we can and do create. With deep respect, we are creating a new world - by following our heart's guidance, which is the guidance of Love, which is the Source that lives in every single one of us and will always show us our truth. We trust our hearts. and so we move in any direction we are pointed. With a Presence that heals. In wider and wider circles. One by One. All Healed. We release the constructs, the imagined boundaries of our minds. We are open, and we listen, and we witness the simple brilliance of finally and always following our hearts. We take every opportunity to share our Love. The Medicine Way is alive and wondrous, even in the dark. Its perfection amplifies our devotion to it. We live mindfully; we listen to our hearts' knowing, and we manifest its intention. Anything that appears to divert the path is a blessing that makes the road even more expansive as we hold space, give space, invite space, and bring Light to the space, whatever space we're in. We integrate, and we align. It looks everything and nothing like what we thought it would when we began to know our purpose. It can look like anything we want; our loving presence is our service. We are here to be.
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January 2025