Where to begin with this RAGE searing my hands to the keyboard? I begin with gratitude for the INTENSITY of this phase in our evolution. I offer thanks to the Conscious Awareness and the Universe for our long-awaited arrival in this moment. We started our cry, our plea, our intentions and prayers for change a long, long time ago. It’s taken a long time (in our human perception) for the Universe to line everything up just right, for the many things to happen that have needed to happen to bring us right here right now, where we FINALLY get to experience the tipping point and bring humanity back home to our essential nature that is LOVE - caring, compassion, fairness, kindness, respect, reverence - through LOVING JUSTICE. The lovingness, respect and integrity that is being shown - this is the Way of Women. We will take DOWN these institutions, these lies, these hateful, fearful, ruinous, life-taking beliefs and ways of being, with a fierce LOVE like nothing you have ever seen. As my dear Friendship says: You’re feeling uncomfortable about all this? Uncomfortable is a GIFT. I am harnessing my anger. I am now asking Spirit and my highest self for direction and instruction. I am ready for my next assignment. I am willing and able to be the Warrior I Am in whatever way I’m meant to be. For now, I’m FEELING and I’m SPEAKING. I am SUPPORTING WOMEN AND MEN. I am WRITING. I am JOINING WITH COMMUNITY. I am PRAYING and I am LISTENING and I am STANDING POWERFULLY, thanks to the shining grace of the Divine Feminine, supported by and in cooperation with the Divine Masculine, while we ROAR our deepest NO! WE WILL NOT ALLOW the degradation, the diminishment, the silencing, the violence toward and blaming of women to continue. I now stand with gratitude in this most powerful light, this holy corridor of sacred fire, guarded and guided and inspired by our loving Kali Ma, the aspect of the Divine Mother whose energy destroys what does not serve our hearts, preserves what is loving, and gives fresh life to all ways and to all beings. Kali has shown up on my behalf through the years, lighting up my own shadows so I could see, so I could be taken through certain death and revived to new inner worlds of truth, empowerment and service. She has brandished her life-giving swords on my behalf more than once. KALI, with deepest gratitude for your healing work, I now call you to service. Please destroy in me all that lives in fear and all that would do harm. Help me to see, with loving forgiveness, how I have participated in the oppression and harm of any and all beings. Please take me through the fire in a way that is complete, with purity of heart and vision and with powerful self-love, and birth me into the full power of light and consciousness in service to the complete healing of all beings. Thank you for working through me, for guiding my sword to where it can now make the most change in loving service to WOMEN, to TRANS MEN and NONBINARY PEOPLE, and to all beings in this country and around the world, including men, who have suffered at the hands of the patriarchy and its fear. May the power that has surfaced as a result of this fear be completely destroyed and replaced with the healing wisdom of our ancestors - those who have come before, those who are now and those who are yet to be. May I be a healing and life-giving instrument of love and peace in every breath, every sound, every movement and every action I take. I claim these names: WARRIOR. HEALER. TEACHER. MEDICINE WOMAN. LIGHTWORKER. CHANGE AGENT. When we have seen all we need to see in order to bring about the complete destruction of what harms not only women but all of humanity, you can rest assured that, hand in hand with my Sisters, locally and globally, I will be here to heal, rebirth and rebuild what remains. With love, compassion, remembrance and forgiveness. I serve as one of many midwives for the beautiful, heart-centered, love-based creations of mind, body and Spirit that are now on the way for humanity. And so it is. AHO.
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September 2024