Beloved Creator:
We are in a most potent time of creation - not only the possibility, but the utter truth of our changing humanity and our experience of life on earth. You don't have to be aware of this process, but you can be if you wish. You don't have to believe it, but you can if you wish. If you are choosing to tune in to this shared experience, you are invited to see opportunities for your own action-taking, as a part of positive change in the world. You are one note in a wondrous symphony of vibration, the energy which creates your lived experience and our shared reality. There is much turmoil and chaos happening around the world. You can believe this destruction is a "bad" thing, or you can see it as necessary and part of our creative act. As "things fall apart" and energies are shaken into chaos, it is freed up for us to use. So much energy is being freed! It is unlocked, it is moving, and it is available for us to "grab" and tune to a higher frequency. We are in a powerful moment of a monumental shift from fear to love, a shift from believing in separation into a knowing of our Oneness. The note you are playing as an individual is magnetizing the freed energy, growing it and giving it more power. So, Friend, how are you sounding your note into the world? Your "note" - your "vibration" or "frequency" - is composed of energy, emotion, thoughts, intentions, and sensations. You have permission to let go of the stories you've held about yourself being separate, less than, not good enough, not worthy. You are a being of Light (yes, YOU). You are an awesome, perfect design, capable of EVERYTHING, made from and one with Source. SOURCE! You are not separate. You never have been. Let the blindfold fall away. When I say you are capable of everything, I mean you are capable of healing every wound you have endured directly and generationally. Capable of reversing poor health. Capable of letting go of swirling thoughts. Capable of knowing your purpose and living it joyfully. Capable of receiving everything you need to do just this - and capable of giving generously, without reservation, trusting in the perfect flow of abundance. You are capable of walking into a room and radiating such clarity and love that everyone there is brought into a state of peace. You are capable of creating a world where people trust one another, where humans live with reverence for all beings, and where we as a species thrive in deep bliss, cooperation, and peace. And it all starts with your frequency, the "note" you are playing as a divine being, incarnated here and now on planet Earth. So, Creator, what are you radiating through your entire being and into the collective for our shared creation? What are you practicing each day, and therefore getting really good at being? Are you dwelling in low vibration experiences like comparing yourself to others? Are you aware that what you focus on grows? Are you actively resisting the truth of your own power and perfection? Are you narrowing your focus to one way of seeing, one way of believing? Are you boxing yourself into an experience of life that was written by someone else? Are you open to the truth that everything and anything is possible, and it begins with your vibration, your state of being? What are you adding to humanity's symphony? How are you changing the world? You cannot fake this. You cannot deny or push away the pain you might be feeling inside. When you deny your pain, your resistance blocks the flow and holds the pain in place. It must flow if it is to be returned to light. Hold yourself with compassion as you would a dear child, and allow the feelings to move. You are precious, and worthy of love. Let your love flow everything you are into the truth of your wholeness. It's ok to let all the parts of you come home. Your breath is a tool of creation. Breathe clearly, freely, deeply. Expand and be present in the spaces between the breath - at the top of the inhale, the bottom of the exhale - for this is the void, the mystery, the place where nothing becomes something. In the space between breaths, BE the vibration that will build the experience and the reality you want to see. Be in love. Be in appreciation. Be in gratitude. Be in beauty. Breathe, and let the experience fill every cell and the space between the cells. You are largely made of water; let water respond to your high vibration and shape the next-level You. Simmer in it. Breathe. Dwell in the infinite light of your beingness, and create from here. You are a part of everything. You matter. Let this be a calling. I am shining infinite blessings of light into your beautiful heart. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Love, Aowyn
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January 2025